Outdoor Games For Kindergartners Are Extremely Important
When the weather is nice, picking the right outdoor games for kindergarteners is a great way to burn off some energy and get some fresh air. Kindergartners need as much outdoor playtime as possible to explore and use their imaginations. Outdoor games for kindergartners are extremely important for them because it helps with their social, emotional, and physical development.
Taking Turns, Following Rules And Cooperating Is Important To Learn
Kindergartners are just beginning to understand the concept of sharing and outdoor games for kindergartners are a great way for them to practice. Playing outdoor games for kindergartners with other kids helps them learn how to take turns, follow rules, and cooperate with others. It also allows them to work on their fine and gross motor skills.
Taking turns is an important social skill that outdoor games for kindergartners can help kindergartners learn. It is also important for them to understand the concept of waiting patiently. Often times, outdoor games will require kids to take turns in order to play fairly. This is a great opportunity for them to learn how to be patient and wait their turn.
Following rules is another important social skill that outdoor games for kindergartners can help with. Many outdoor games for kindergartners have simple rules that need to be followed in order to play. For example, tag is a popular outdoor game that has basic rules that need to be followed such as not running into trees or buildings and only tagging people with your hands. By following the rules of outdoor games for kindergartners, kindergartners can learn how to be good listeners and understand instructions.
Cooperating with others is an important social skill that outdoor games can help with. In order to play outdoor games, kindergartners need to be able to work together with others. This means taking turns, listening to each other, and being fair. Working together will help them develop the skills they need to be successful in school and in their future.
Learning How To Be Both A Leader But Also A Follower Is Essential For All Outdoor Games For Kindergartners
Kindergartners learn to play with others let’s them adjust for different situations, such as being the leader or the follower. Playing outdoor games is also a great way to help them cope with emotions and frustration.
Being the leader is important because it helps kindergartners learn how to take charge and be responsible for others. They learn how to make sure everyone is following the rules and playing fair. Being the leader also helps them practice being assertive and handling conflict.
Being the follower is important because it helps kindergartners learn how to listen to instructions and follow directions. It also helps them practice being patient and waiting their turn.
Keeping Kindergartners Safe During Outdoor Games Playtime
Something to consider is because kindergartners are so young, you really have to pay particular attention to make sure nothing happens to them. If you have a group of five or more, it’s a good idea to have at least one additional adult present to help supervise. But kids need to play as many outdoor games for kindergartners as possible so don’t get frightened off.
Equipment for outdoor games for kindergartners needs to be safe and appropriate for their age group. Avoid materials that are small enough to be swallowed or that could break and cause cuts. Be sure to check the equipment regularly to make sure it’s in good condition.
When choosing outdoor games for kindergartners, avoid anything that is too physical or could result in injuries. Stick with games that involve simple movements and that are easy to understand.
Sometimes it’s better to choose outdoor games that don’t involve equipment at all. Games like Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, and Mother May I are all great options for outdoor play.
When playing outdoor games with kindergartners, be sure to emphasize the importance of having fun and staying safe. Let them know that they can come to you if they have any questions or concerns.
What Are Fine And Gross Motor Skills?
Fine motor skills are the coordination of small muscle movements, such as in the fingers, usually in coordination with the eyes. Gross motor skills are the coordination of movement of large muscles, such as in walking, running or jumping. Outdoor games for kindergartners will normally help with both of these.
Kindergartners Need Developmentally Appropriate Outdoor Games
When choosing outdoor games for your kindergartners, it is important to select ones that are developmentally appropriate. Some factors to consider include:
-The game should be safe for all players
-All players should have an equal chance to participate and succeed
-The game should be age-appropriate
-The game should be within the skill level of the players
What Does It Mean That All Players Should Have An Equal Chance To Participate And Succeed?
This means that the outdoor games for kindergartners that you choose should not be too easy or too difficult for the kindergartners playing it. It should be just challenging enough that they feel like they are learning and improving as they play. All players should also have a fair chance to win or be successful at the game.
What Does It Mean That Kindergartners Should Play Age Appropriate Games?
Age appropriate outdoor games for kindergartners means that the game is designed specifically with their age group in mind. This includes things like the size of the playing area, the number of players, and the level of difficulty. For example, a game that is too easy will be boring for them and one that is too hard will be frustrating. Outdoor games for kindergartners should be just challenging enough to keep them engaged and interested.
What Kind Of Skills Should A Child Have To Play Outdoor Games For Kindergartners?
Some of the skills that a kindergartner should have before playing outdoor games include:
-Being able to follow simple rules
-Taking turns
-Cooperating with others
-Listening carefully
-Using basic gross and fine motor skills
How Do I Know If An Outdoor Games For Kindergartners Is Within The Skill Level Of The Players?
One way to determine if a game is within the skill level of the players is to watch them play it. If they seem to be struggling or if they are not enjoying the game, it may be too difficult for them. On the other hand, if they seem bored or like they are not being challenged, the game may be too easy.
27 Fun Outdoor Games For Kindergartners
This simple game is a classic for a reason – it’s just plain fun! All you need is a large open space and at least two players. One player starts as “it” and tries to tag the other players. Once a player is tagged, they become “it” and the game continues. You can make the game more interesting by adding different rules, like only being able to tag players with the same hand that you were tagged with.
Hide and Seek
This is another classic game that can be played with any number of players. One player is “it” and counts to a certain number while the other players hide. Once the player finishes counting, they try to find all of the hidden players. The last player to be found is the winner and becomes “it” for the next round.
Red Light, Green Light
One player is the “traffic Light” and stands at one end of the playing area. The other players line up at the other end. The “Traffic Light” calls out “green light” and all of the players start moving towards the “Traffic Light”. Then, the “Traffic Light” calls out “red light” and all of the players must stop. If any player is caught moving, they are out. The last player remaining is the winner.
Simon Says
This game is a great way to help kids practice following directions. One player is “Simon” and gives instructions to the other players. The instructions must start with “Simon says”, or else the players do not have to do them. For example, Simon might say “Simon says touch your toes”. If Simon just says “touch your toes”, the players do not have to do it. The game continues until Simon gives a command without saying “Simon says” first, or until all of the players are out. The last player remaining is the winner.
Musical Chairs
This game is great for gross motor skills and listening. You will need one less chair than the number of players. The chairs are placed in a circle and the players walk around them while music is playing. When the music stops, all of the players must sit down in a chair. The player without a chair is out. The game continues until there is only one player remaining, who is the winner.
Mother May I?
This game is great for listening and following directions. One player is “it” and stands at one end of the playing area. The other players line up at the other end. “It” gives a command to the first player in line, such as “Take three giant steps forward”. The player then asks “Mother may I?”, and if “it” says yes, the player does as they were told. If “it” says no, the player must stay in place. The first player to reach “it” is the winner. It is the quintessential outdoor games for kindergartners
Kick The Can
To play this game you will need one can for each player. The players line up at one end of the playing area and each places their can in front of them. “It” starts at the other end of the playing area and tries to kick all of the cans. While “it” is kicking the cans, the other players try to run and kick their can too. If “it” kicks a player’s can before they do, that player is out. The game continues until “it” has kicked all of the cans or all of the players are out.
Red Rover
This is a classic for outdoor games for kindergartners. The players divide into two teams and line up on either side of the playing area. Each team grabs hold of the hands of the players next to them so that they are all connected. The first team calls out “Red Rover, Red Rover, send (player’s name) over”, and the player from the other team comes running over. If they are able to break through the other team’s line, they take one of the players back with them to their side. If they are not able to break through, they become part of the other team. The game ends when one team has all of the players.
Duck, Duck, Goose
This is another classic for outdoor games for kindergartners. The players sit in a circle. “It” starts by walking around the outside of the circle and tapping each player on the head, saying “duck” each time. When “it” gets to the player that they want to be “it”, they say “goose” instead of “duck” and tap that player on the head. The player who was tapped then gets up and tries to catch “it”. If they are able to catch “it”, they become “it”. If they are not able to catch “it”, they remain in their spot and the game continues.
Egg And Spoon Race
This game is a great way to get kids moving and thinking. You will need one spoon and one hard-boiled egg for each player. The players line up at the starting line and place the spoon in their mouth. On “go”, they must race to the finish line without dropping their egg. If they drop their egg, they must stop and pick it up before continuing. The first player to cross the finish line is the winner.
Hokey Pokey
The players stand in a circle and put their right hand in. Then they put their right hand out. They put their right hand in and shake it all about. They do the same with their left hand, then their right foot, then their left foot, then their whole self. Then they reverse the order and do it all again. The game is over when the players are all tired out.
This outdoor games for kindergartners is a great way to get kids moving and thinking. You will need one piece of chalk for each player. The players take turns drawing a hopscotch board on the ground with the chalk. The first player throws a stone onto one of the squares and then hops over it. They continue hopping until they get to the end of the board. They then turn around and hop back, picking up the stone as they go. If they are able to complete the course without stepping on a line or losing their balance, they get to go again. The first player to reach 10 is the winner.
Jump Rope
You will need one jump rope for each player. The players take turns jumping while the other players turn the rope. If the jumper makes a mistake, they are out. The last player standing is the winner.
You will need 10 jacks and one ball for each player. The players take turns throwing the ball up in the air and picking up jacks while it is in the air. They then throw the ball again and pick up another jack. The game continues until the player has picked up all 10 jacks. The player with the most jacks at the end of the game is the winner.
You will need 10 marbles for each player. The players take turns shooting at the marbles with their own marble. If they hit a marble, they get to keep it. The player with the most marbles at the end of the game is the winner. Now normally kindergartners don’t put things they shouldn’t in there mouth but do us a favor and monitor it.
Blind Man’s Bluff
This game is a great way to get kids moving and thinking. The players stand in a circle and one player is chosen to be “it”. “It” is then blindfolded and spun around a few times. The other players scatter around the room. “It” then tries to catch one of the other players. When “it” catch a player, they become “it”. The game is over when everyone has had a turn at being “it”.
Tic Tac Toe
You will need a board and 10 pieces for each player. The players take turns placing their pieces on the board. If they are able to get three in a row, they win. If not, the other player gets a turn. The first player to get three in a row is the winner.
Hot Potato
You will need one potato for each player. The players sit in a circle and pass the potato around. When the music stops, the player with the potato is out. The game is over when there is only one player left.
Pin The Tail On The Donkey
This game is a great way to get kids up and playing. You will need a donkey and a tail for each player. The players take turns being blindfolded and trying to pin the tail on the donkey. The player who gets closest to the correct spot is the winner.
Water Balloons
This game is a great way to get wet and cool off. You will need a water balloon for each player. The players take turns trying to hit the other players with their water balloons. The last player standing is the winner.
Paper Airplanes
This game is a great way to get kids to use their creative and mental sides. You will need paper and a marker for each player. The players take turns making paper airplanes. Then they stand at the other end of the room and see how far they can fly their airplane. The player with the furthest flying airplane is the winner.
Flying A Kite
This game is a great way to get kids figuring out how to get things flying. You will need a kite and string for each player. The players take turns flying their kites. The player who can keep their kite in the air the longest is the winner.
Hula Hooping
You will need a hula hoop for each player. The players take turns trying to hula hoop. The player who can hula hoop the longest is the winner.
Ground Is Lava
This game is a great way to get kids to do something out of nothing. The players pretend that the ground is lava. They then have to find ways to get from one side of the room to the other without touching the ground. The first player to make it to the other side is the winner.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
The players take turns trying to beat each other at rock, paper, scissors. The first player to win three out of five rounds is the winner.
I Spy
This game is great for observation and listening. One player starts by saying “I spy with my little eye something that is (color, shape, etc.)”. The other players then look around and try to guess what it is. The first player to guess correctly is the winner and gets to go next.
What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?
This game is great for listening and following directions. One player is “Mr. Wolf” and stands at one end of the playing area with their back to the other players. The other players line up at the other end. Mr. Wolf calls out a time, such as “3 o’clock”, and all of the players take that many steps towards Mr. Wolf.
Then, Mr. Wolf calls out “What time is it?”, and the players must answer with a time. If they guess correctly, they continue moving forward. If they guess wrong, they must stay in place. The game continues until all of the players have reached Mr. Wolf, at which point Mr. Wolf will turn around and chase the players back to their starting point. The first player to reach the starting point is the winner.
These are just a few of the many outdoor games for kindergartners that can be played with kindergartners. With a little creativity, you can come up with even more fun ideas!

Meet Kevin Goodell, your outdoor adventure coach! With a passion for nature ignited in childhood, Kevin brings a wealth of experience and expertise to simplify tough outdoor skills. As a U.S. Army veteran and former Sergeant, he has honed his leadership and teamwork abilities while developing a deep love for the great outdoors.
Kevin’s dedication to outdoor activities spans biking, birdwatching, national park trips, and archery/golf. With his friendly and approachable demeanor, he is committed to guiding individuals of all ages and skill levels towards unforgettable outdoor experiences.
Harnessing his extensive knowledge and personal achievements, Kevin is your go-to resource for learning and enjoying various outdoor pursuits. Whether you seek thrilling adventures or serene nature escapes, Kevin’s professional yet friendly approach will ensure an engaging and informative experience. Embark on your next outdoor adventure with Kevin Goodell and embrace the beauty of nature like never before.